Angelia Hill European Style Big Breasts Sex Dolls Review

 sex doll

2.033,00 €

In den Warenkorb

Datum hinzugefügt: 26.November 2019 nach W***F

As others have said, the weight of a sex doll is a habit, but it is not a vandal. She is lasting. Once you master it, her limbs are easy to move, but stay where you want. Her out-of-the-box skin has a greasy feel, but the soft texture is absolutely like skin. Once she is cleaned and pulverized, its skin feels really amazing. I also did not notice any strange chemical smell on her body. I am preparing for my next sex doll.

Datum hinzugefügt: 11.November 2019 nach Q***e

Ich bin sehr froh, eine so realistische Sexpuppe zu haben, sie ist einfach unglaublich.

Datum hinzugefügt: 21.Oktober 2019 nach Z***t

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